Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica


AOTT 1970; 6: 56-67
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The healing processes of some bone lesions are in need of the struetural raaterial such as bone grafts. As already known, bone grafts which are taken from varions sources help the osteogemc activity. Especially, in the treatment of some large cavities of benign. Bone tumors, great amount of bone grafts are necessary to fill up of these cavities. In such a case, the patients autogenous bone graft sources can not assure enough bone. In the same manner, fractures of the elderly patients who lost their bodily osteogenic activities, need also the bone grafts other than their own. On the other hand there is always a possibility of injuring the epiphyseal plates in children while removing the autogen bone grafts. For these purposes, we used heterogenous Kiel-bone grafts in 9 various cases between the dates of November 1967 to October, 1968. Nine patient (6 male and 3 female) between 8 to 69 years of ages, were taken to surgery for their various bone lesions and heterogenous Kiel-bone grafts were applied to them. In six cases, the cavities of benign bone tumors were filled up with Kiel-bone. One of them showed suppurative reaction and the grafts were taken out from the tumor cavity. In a female patient of six who had a large giant cell tümor on her left distal femur, damaged 1/3 distal femur were resected an half of tibia turned up to close bone defect. But, the tümor relapsed and damaged the bone again. In the second surgical procedure, tumor and the damaged bone were resected and bone defect was closed by heterogenous Kiel-bone grafts. One year follow up of patient was revealed that the grafts did not ensure good callus. The third surgical procedure were performed on the date of March 27, 1069. Kiel-bone grafts were used again. This patient is still in a spica cast immobilisation.\nOther two patients-one of them is female and the other is male were operated because of their hip fractures. In these patients Kiel-bone grafts were used together with metallic nails. In a 16 years old female patient who had congenital hip dislocataon, was made an Albee type acetabuloplasty and produced cavity on the upper acetabulum, was filled up by Kiel-bone grafts. Seven of nine patients healed between 3 to 6 mounths and their bony lesions showed good consolidation without any event. The patient whose bone suppurated postoperatively, the suppuration stopped after the grafts were taken out. The female patient whose 1/3 distal femur was resected, is still being followed. The results of these cases are generally good. We considered that heterogenous Kiel-bone grafts can be use more videly.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294